

Adventure For All

Since I was a kid I have been ever curious and seeking adventure.  I am always chasing the feelings of freedom and awe that I experience doing adventure sports.  

The outdoor adventure travel that I have done in my life has made me more capable and independent, and has also deeply connected me with nature and people.  After I returned from those trips I wanted more and struggled to find the resources with those options, so I decided to create just that.

WanderWith connects you to nature through outdoor activity.  We partner with unique adventure tour operators to ensure you have unforgettable experiences of awe, freedom, & excitement. As we grow, our goal is work with partners that facilitate equity, inclusion, and sustainability.

Come WanderWith us.

-Hannah, WanderWith Co-founder

Willie Martini Photography


Our Values

We Believe In


Feel inspired & empowered to discover something new


Live & travel with intention


Create a supportive & welcoming environment for all


Support economic, environmental & social betterment


Find yourself & make meaningful connections with others


In Solidarity Project

We Pledge To

Hire and support a diverse workforce and executive leadership.

Present representative marketing and advertising in our media.

Engage and support broadly representative ambassador and athlete teams.

Finally, we will share our experiences with other leading brands.